Creative for online, digital, social, viral and (insert marketing buzzword) here.
Freelance website copywriting for Welcome Stranger’s client, Ke Ola Mamo.
Freelance website copywriting for Central Pacific Bank’s, Legacy Wall Page.
Freelance website copy for design agency, Welcome Stranger, for their client, Redfish.
Freelance website copy for the Hawaii Primary Care Association’s (HPCA) Feel Good campaign for design agency, Middle Management.
Copywriting for website, plus pre-production, post-production and writing work for the "Hawaii Rooted" online video campaign for the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau.
Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, #LetHawaiiHappen social campaign (Gold Pele Award Winner).
Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, Let Hawaii Happen: A Surprise Wedding online video (Shorty Award Finalist, Silver Pele Award Winner). Post went viral with over 4 million views on Facebook.
Department of Transportation, Hawaii Storm Patrol story, activity book and website educating first graders about storm water pollution (Three Gold Pele Awards).
Kamehameha Schools, Our Kakaako, Meet Our Makers website and online videos (Gold Pele award).
Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, Stories of Hawaii website and videos (Platinum Adrian Award, Gold Pele Award).
McDonald's Hawaii, McCafe Time/McCafe Madness Online Game (Gold Pele Award Winner). To launch McDonald's new McCafe drinks, we created McCafe Madness. Your job was to drive through the winding roads of Waikiki, the Pali Highway and Waialae Nui without spilling the McCafe you forgot on your roof. Coupons were given at the end of each play.
MasterCard, A Home for the Holidays microsite. Featured an interactive home decorator, a personal gift finder, and a video player tying into the national commercial campaign.
Nikon, Coolpix. Banner campaign featuring super model, Kate Moss.
Wendy's: The Spice Patrol. Part Super Friends, part Voltron, part South Park, "The Spice Patrol" was branded content before it was a buzzword (note: MySpace page). The client got cold feet before we recorded professional voice talent, but we finished this rough first episode. I wrote it with the help of Todd Levin, who became a writer for Conan O'Brien. Here it is in all its weirdness.